Thursday, January 9, 2020

Inequality in Kenya - 2500 Words

INEQUALITY IN KENYA INTRODUCTION After independence, the few educated Kenyans easily acquired wealth, without competition, and major changes since then has spawned few rich people because this group perfected ways of ensuring that wealth does not leak out, including marrying among themselves. Distribution of benefits of economic growth has been one of Kenya’s biggest challenges in its quest for long term prosperity and stability putting the suitability of the trickle-down economics that Presidents use after coming to power under intense scrutiny. Recent events in Kenya have cast a disturbing light on the depth and complexity of social distress in the country. The conflict arising from the disputed presidential elections has roots in†¦show more content†¦Political activities that have often spilled over into violence and hence insecurity are a characteristic feature of Kenya and these have serious implications. Poverty and inequality are a major cause of crime, violence and conflict and therefore general insecurity. More important however is the absence of democratic governance which has led to the manipulation of state institutions giving rise to rampant corruption, ethnicisation of state institutions, absence of accountability and generalized impunity granted to the power elite. The state has thus failed to provide a general state of peace and security and leads people to feeling that the law is applied in a discriminatory manner and that they are abandoned and unprotected. The effects of a wide income gap in the population include low business confidence rendering transactions almost impossible. This coupled with an unsettled population that clamors for better living conditions and overall low productivity of goods and services. Incidentally these are characteristics already exhibited in Kenya and thus the time is opportune for corrective measures to be swiftly implemented. 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